Wednesday, April 15, 2020

End of Competition - April 15, 2020

The last bit...

The competition is reaching an end, and I managed to get a little bit done before the deadline of APril 15, 2020.

Gog is joined by Magog - 18 mm scale, about 75 mm tall.

Some game trays from Reichbusters.  These are about 200 mm x 100 mm, but really only have a surface.  I'm going to give them 3 points each. They are big, but not complicated.

And, a couple of models from Reichbusters (28 mm)

This week:

1 Medium based monster 12.5
4 game trays @ 3 points each : 12
2 28 mm foot units, based : 12

Campaign Total: 721.6 points

#  Type  points per       points   
35 28 mm foot unit5175
528 mm monster1050
828 mm med monster12.5100
128 mm large monster2020
618 mm foot unit318
86 18 mm foot unit based  3.6309.6
1Gigantic 18 mm monster, based  3636
4Game trays 312

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week ending April 11, 2020

Week ending April 11, 2020

Back to some Call of Cthulhu 28 mm foot soldiers.  Lord Nameless, Lord Faceless, and Cultmaster X.

(Magog is coming soon) from Time of Legends, Joan of Arc.  18 mm scale, 95 mm tall.

To get a sense of scale, the white things in the blue swirl are human (ghost) faces.

This week:

3 28 mm foot units (not based):  15

1 Medium monster 12.5

Campaign Total: 685.1 points

#  Type  points per       points   
33 28 mm foot unit5165
528 mm monster1050
728 mm med monster12.587.5
128 mm large monster2020
618 mm foot unit318
86 18 mm foot unit based  3.6309.6
1Gigantic 18 mm monster, based  3636

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Week ending April 4, 2020

Week ending April 4, 2020

This model is in 18 mm scale, called 'The Beast' from Time of Legends: Joan of Arc. Despite being 18 mm scale, it is quite large! You can see an 18 mm foot soldier on the base. This thing is about 170 mm tall from base to the tip of its wing!

This week:

1 gigantic 18 mm figure:  30 points + basing = 36 points.

Campaign Total: 659.6 points

#  Type  points per       points   
30 28 mm foot unit5150
528 mm monster1050
628 mm med monster12.575
128 mm large monster2020
618 mm foot unit318
86 18 mm foot unit based  3.6309.6
1 Gigantic 18 mm monster, based  36 36

End of Competition - April 15, 2020

The last bit... The competition is reaching an end, and I managed to get a little bit done before the deadline of APril 15, 2020. Gog is...